We are passionate about getting you into Medicine.
Truly Personalised Classes.
The Most Practice Questions.
Online Testing that Exactly Replicates the Exam.
Personalised Learning
A Truly Personalised Learning Experience
You are unique and so is the way you learn. It’s why we help you succeed by providing focused and personalised learning. Whilst other UCAT Preparation Courses are taught in large group seminars, we offer personalised teaching in small classes with an average of 6 to 8 students (and never more than 8). We address your personal needs, answer your individual questions and help you get into Medicine.
I chose MedStart because of the teaching; it was very personal, interactive and best of all you could get any question answered.
Jessica Xiong, UNSW Medicine
With 1,000s of the best UCAT Questions (and counting!), MedStart will help you master your UCAT.
Bravin Ragavan
Online testing that replicates UCAT format exactly.
We have a personalised UCAT course for everyone
We’ll help you ace the UCAT with truly personalised classes,
100th percentile UCAT teachers and the best resources.
We have a personalised UCAT course for everyone
We’ll help you ace the UCAT with truly personalised classes,
100th percentile UCAT teachers and the best resources.