Meet your Mentors.
Our Mentors are passionate about helping you get into Medicine.
Inspirational 100th Percentile Mentors
While all MedStart Mentors are outstanding achievers, it’s their passion for getting you into Medicine that matters most. It’s why we call our teachers ‘Mentors’ – they do so much more than simply teach.
Our Mentors are chosen for their ability to guide students to UCAT success, and provide invaluable advice throughout their UCAT and Medical journey. They know exactly what it takes to get into Medicine and they are passionate about helping you do it too.
We teach you to think, not memorise.
Unlike other UCAT Preparation courses, we teach from first principles rather than relying on pattern/word memorisation or brute-force practice. We teach the strategies and frameworks behind each question type so you truly understand how to work out any question quickly and accurately.
Meet Your Mentors
Meet your Mentors
Ready to get into Medicine?
We’ll help you ace the UCAT with truly personalised classes,
100th percentile UCAT teachers and the best resources.